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Know your product
Tuna is a very fast oceanic fish, living "between two waters ": at the surface of the water and at depths of up to 1,000 meters. It’s one of these tireless migratory fishes. Its size can reach over 4 meters and its weight over 650 kg.
Tuna is a semi-fatty fish, rich in proteins, minerals and trace elements. Its flesh is pinkish, thick and tender; its pronounced taste is unique.
Our range includes numerous varieties of Tuna:
- Thunnus Alalunga, White Tuna or Albacore Tuna, fished in Reunion Island or in Tahiti.
- Thunnus Albacares, Yellowfin Tuna, from the Maldives Islands, Reunion Island or Ecuador
- Thunnus Obesus, Bigeye Tuna, fished in tropical waters.
How to buy
how to keep
A unique bluefin tuna recipe, prepared by our Chef Michel Legrand.
Our brands
Saveurs d'Antoine
Délice & Création