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Know your product
Undaria pinnatifida or Wakame is the most famous brown algae. This edible seaweed is a perfect accompaniment in soups or with tender vegetables. It is really popular in Japan, where it’s used in salads or the famous Miso soup. Wakame is very rich in vitamins B, C and K, and minerals.
Seaweeds are plants whose life cycle takes place in an aquatic environment, playing a very important part in the biodiversity of this ecosystem. There are about 50 edible seaweeds eaten as food complements, additives, or in its natural form.
Oiur range of seaweed is very wide :
- Wakame
- Red Dulse
- Nori
- Sea Haricot
- Salicornia
- Kombu
- Sea lettuce
How to buy
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