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Know your product
Cod is a group of bony fish that belong to the genus Gadus. Cod is the most eaten fish in the world. Cod-liver oil is known for supporting the intellectual development of children.
Cod is a noble fish, even exceptionally so for certain species : for instance, the Norway Skrei is nicknamed "King of Cods," as 1,000 years ago, a Viking king ordered a tax paid in Skreis..
Its body is quite elongated, its mouth large, its scales gray or brown and its chin has a barbel. Its flesh is firm and spotless white, with an outstanding delicacy It’s a lean fish so it has few calories, but is rich in vitamin B12 and in selenium. .
Our Wild Cod are fished in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean cold waters.
And uur farmed Cods come from cold waters, mainly in Norway
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Saveurs d'Antoine
Délice & Création